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Dr. Steffen Raff


Dr. med. Steffen Raff

Specialist for Nuclear Medicine
Specialist in Radiology

Since 02/2018

Curanosticum Wiesbaden


Specialist for nuclear medicine

02/2016 until 01/2018

Residency in nuclear medicine with Professor Dr. Schreckenberger, Mainz University Hospital

08/1994 until 08/2015

Catholic Hospital Mainz, an der Goldgrube 11, 55131 Mainz ; position since 3/2003: specialist in radiology and 08/2011 specialist in open radioactive substances A1 2.1.3. (skeletal scintigraphy)

02/1994 until 08/1994

Employed as physician in the practice Kapp et al. in Mainz, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine

11/1991 until 04/1993

Internship at St. Hildegardis Hospital Mainz, Pneumology (CA Prof. Dr. W. Schmidt)


Doctorate at the University of Mainz, grade “magna cum laude”

04/1985 until 04/1988 until 10/1991

Study of human medicine at FU Berlin and University of Mainz, state examination

10/1984 until 03/1985

Study of physics at the University of Stuttgart

07/1983 until 10/1984

Allgemeine Wehrpflicht in Sigmaringen/Ulm, Heeresmusikkorps 10

1974 until 1983

Hohenzollern Gymnasium Sigmaringen mit Abitur